Stress relief tips for hard days
Stress relief tips for hard days
A bit of background
When you're feeling stressed and anxious, this is your brain receiving information from the world around you, and instructing your body to be on edge. But this 'fight or flight' response is millions of years old, evolved to help our early ancestors escape predators. Our problems are different now, but our body remains more or less the same. So sometimes, we experience stress and anxiety unnecessarily. We've included here a few exercises and routines that we use to relax in stressful situations. All credits go to AskDrJo for producing these videos. We just wanted to share them. We hope they help ❤️️
Breathing exercises for stress and anxiety
Breathing exercises can be a great way to help relieve stress and anxiety. This video focuses on two relaxing breathing techniques: Square breathing (aka box breathing, 4x4 breathing, 4-part breath, etc.) and Pursed breathing.
Breathing exercises for stress and anxiety
Breathing exercises can be a great way to help relieve stress and anxiety. This video focuses on two relaxing breathing techniques: Square breathing (aka box breathing, 4x4 breathing, 4-part breath, etc.) and Pursed breathing.
Stress relieving stretches
With stress & anxiety, gentle stretches and breathing exercises can often help provide relief. This video shows stretches for the neck & chest area as well as diaphragmatic breathing which may help.
Stress relieving stretches
With stress & anxiety, gentle stretches and breathing exercises can often help provide relief. This video shows stretches for the neck & chest area as well as diaphragmatic breathing which may help.